October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Kathleen Gibson’s son is, in most ways, a typical three-year-old boy. He enjoys music, preschool, playing with his siblings, and Sesame Street. Emmett is different in one way […]

September is Emergency Preparedness Month

In observation of National Preparedness Month and with growing concerns of natural disasters, acts of terrorism and disease outbreaks it is important to make sure you and your family are prepared for an emergency. […]

Myths and Facts Regarding Suicide

In honor of National Suicide Prevention month, it is important to remember that suicidal thoughts, much like mental health conditions, can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background.  In order to have an open and honest discussion on suicide, it is vital to address certain myths about suicide. […]

Back to School Stress

The start to school is a major transition.  Not just for the kids returning to school, but also for their families.  This transition brings about a change in routine […]

Substance Exposed Infant Awareness

Every year approximately 100,000 babies are born in Virginia, and about 10,000 of them are substance exposed. After birth, those children suffer from withdrawal— called Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) […]

New Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Here at the HRCSB we are very excited to announce our new Intensive Outpatient Program. This program involves an intensive level of care […]

Mental Health is a part of your Physical Health!

Mental Health is very important for one’s overall well-being. Staying healthy involves more than a physical aspect; it also includes maintaining strong mental health. […]

May is Early Intervention Awareness Month

How exciting is it when we are surrounded by family and friends holding our little bundle of joy when they make their way into this world? There are so many emotions that we feel, that it is simply difficult to put into words […]

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Since 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in May by reaching millions of people in the United States through the media, local events, and screenings. […]

Revive! Training Dates, Times, and Loctions

Here are the dates for the free Revive! trainings to block the effects of opioid overdose. Narcan will be distributed free of charge following the presentation. […]